January 8, 2010

New Years Resolutions!

fyi...you'll notice that many of my post titles end with an exclamation point. My 3rd grade teacher taught us that an exclamation point meant happiness and excitement. And for the record, I am that kind of gal!

I have decided to join Kelly's Korner, for Show us Your Life Friday's! I peeked in on several last year and really enjoyed that and thought it might be more fun to play along this year!

  • Let go of stuff! I, like most gals, have lots of stuff that I either don't use, can't wear, or plain don't need. I started sorting my "treasures" on January 1st, throwing some stuff away and donating some stuff, and so far it feels awesome!

  • Live GREENER! You could call me a tree hugger I suppose. We recycle everything that we can. We'll be replacing burned out light bulbs with more energy efficient ones!

  • Live healthier! We are not calling it a DIET cause that is an ugly word. We are making better choices and drinking more water and exercising some. More fresh fruits and veggies and fewer sweets and soft drinks. Honestly, the soft drinks hurts me cause it's always been my belief that I came out of the womb with a can of Coke in my little hand...I'm just sayin

  • To have realistic expectations. This is a personal one for me. I expect alot out of people. If you are an adult, you know that you have certain responsibilities. That means keeping a full time job, paying your bills on time, doing for your kids, ect. I am a "fixer" by nature. If you are struggling, I'll jump in and do anything I can to help you out. This is not always the best thing for those I think I'm helping. So I'm promising myself to "stay out of it"! I'll keep you posted on my progress! ha!


Katie said...

I also came out of the womb with a diet coke in hand! I LOVE my diet coke, and since I don't like coffee, it's my only source of caffeine- which I NEED!

Great Resolutions! Hope you have a nice weekend :)

Robin Beck said...

I came out of the womb holding a cup of coffee!

I am an exclamation point girl too, I try not to type so many but it is hard for me, I am very content in my life, therefore I am happy!

I don't know what it is about this year but I too am getting rid of anything I haven't used in a year. That is alot of "stuff." It does feel really good!

Have a great weekend Michelle!


Gwen Oatsvall said...

oh my word ... just got your comment ... will be praying ... so excited for you on this journey !!