February 15, 2010


I slept & dreamed that life was JOY.
I awoke & saw that life was SERVICE.
I acted & behold, SERVICE was JOY!

John and I are officially foster parents! On January 10th we brought the most beautiful baby girl home from the hospital! She is a good baby! We are not allowed to give any details about her or post any pictures, but trust me when I say she is breathtaking! She eats and sleeps great and only gets fussy when her tiny bottom is dirty or her tummy is empty! Her burping skills are improving everyday! I am enjoying every moment in her presence and I think she is liking us too! Abby is totally smitten with her and wants to sit on my lap when I feed her!


Joy said...

HI!!! OMG....I am so excited. YOu have got to email me. ASAP! Blessings, Joy Owens

Sara said...

Aww, Congratulations!! What a blessing. How special :-)

I have been curious about fostering...

Nothing like a fresh little one!

Missy said...

What an amazing adventure for you all! I bet she is wonderful and I know you will enjoy every moment. Fostering is such a blessing!!!

3 Peanuts said...

Oh that os so exciting!!!! The bib is from Julianna's Originals. Tell her I sent you. She is so sweet and has the cutest stuff. Could this fostering lead to more????

I have thought of you and had lost touch with your blog...so GLAD you commented yesterday so I could find you:)